Saturday, April 3, 2010

Why Smart Guys Go First

I figured out the secret for cartoon and comic books. I was thinking about a comic book after I read it, (Spider-Man loves Mary Jane), and I was wondering why when there is a bad guy and people are taken captive the genius of the group - who usually figures things out first - is taken first. This happens because if the criminals didn't get the genius guy first then the group would figure out the bad guy's identity and turn them in to the police so there would be no story. The genius guy may still end up captive, but the police will know who the criminal is and rescue the genius guy.

I think that this means that super smart people are more likely to either be captured and / or die or become bad guys.

Friday, April 2, 2010

About ArieltopiA

Hi! I'm Ariel and I made Arieltopia because I wanted to tell my friends and family (and people I do not know) what I am doing at home and the recent books I have read. I also wanted to tell everyone at one time instead of repeating the same thing a million different times.

I love reading and writing and I wanted a way to share books I have read with others and tell them a little bit about the book and make it interesting. Then maybe if they liked my review they will read the book and tell others about it and maybe they will read it too. I also wanted a way to share my stories that I have written in various note books with the world without having to get my book published. I have heard that trying to get your book published is very frustrating, especially when you are only ten like me. If you are only ten or something, then you have to convince them it is not like a little kid rainbow pony story that only has one or two syllable words in it.

I like having this blog spot because it is also fun sharing my thoughts with others. It is also a good enough excuse to go on the computer according to my dad. Good excuses for going on the computer that will pass with my dad are extremely and totally rare. I hope you share the joy of typing things on the computer! (And reading and writing :) Bye!
